
Happieness is a choice

Blame it on the pop, blame it on the dance, blame it on the Rock and Roll, Blame it on the feeling of the music Deep inside-i-i-ide your soul. July 7, 2011

Filed under: Cray-Cray,Gabby's Pick,Rambles,So you could say... — GabrialGrewOnUp @ 7:51 pm

So basically, this keyboard is trying to kill me, it literally just took me seven tries to get the first two words in the sentence right, BUT I’ve done it, so we’re good. Now onto why I’m actually here, my lovely friend Miss Beckie Duhamllama likes to sing, and why shouldn’t she! She’s bloody Brilliant, and I’m going to promote her, now although I haven’t written a decent blog post in forever really, I promise that if you listen to Beckie sing I will try and be less of an angsty teenager, and more of that magnificent god that you first got to know me as.

This is Beckie singing Adele’s Turning Tables:


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